
I spent 2 nights in Hakone

Entrance to my hotel, Wisterian Life Club Forest of Verde.

The hotel room had a side section with bathroom and kitchenette, an upper section with 2 beds, and a lower section for dining and extra sleeping space (as shown in the picture below).

The view from the dining area windows.

Walking downhill into town from my hotel. Japan uses chain link fence to hold back loose rocks, fallen trees, and ivy plants from falling onto roads and paths. Pedestrians are expected to walk on the right side of the white line (no sidewalk), there is no white line on the other side of the road, and the bulging chain link fence forced me into the road as I went around it.

The chain link fence was on the right but this view was on the left.

Further down the road from my hotel. Going back up hill was quite a walk but the view was scenic, yes?

Venetian Glass Museum (Glass Forest)

Rating: A+     Beautiful and mesmerizing.

A terrible picture of me but a decent view of the landscape around of the museum.

   Video of plants and canopy. The trunks and limbs of trees and bushes are made of twisted metal wire and the leaves are glass.

Glass grapes hanging from a wood trellis.

   Video of glass trees and bushes. I didn't have to move; a slight breeze made the glass move and shimmer.

   Video of a glass tree by itself.

The museum grounds were multi-level. These steps went down to a nature-viewing area.

   Video of a nice little water fountain in the glass flower garden.

All of the flowers and their leaves are made of glass.

They had some indoor glass exhibits but no photography was allowed. I don't remember why there was some antique Venetian furniture at the Venetian Glass Museum, but the most impressive to me was this chair.

Venetians love masks, so they had lots of masks for sale. This doll was also in the gift shop.

More information on the Venetian Glass Museum website.

Hakone Open Air Museum

Rating: B

I'm not a fan of modern abstract sculpture but some of the pieces were attractive or thought-provoking and the grounds were beautiful. No photos were allowed but they have pics on their website.

Okada Museum of Art

Rating: A

A wonderful collection of traditional Japanese and asian art including silk and gold screen paintings, ceramics, lacquer ware, Chinese metalwork, and asian religious art (mostly sculptures). No photos were allowed but they have pics on their website.

I did, however, take these pictures along the road to the museum.

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